
React 拥有一个数百万开发者组成的社区。在这个页面上,我们列出了一些与 React 相关的社区,has a community of millions of developers. On this page we’ve listed some React-related communities that you can be a part of; see the other pages in this section for additional online and in-person learning materials.


在参与到 React 社区之前,请先阅读我们的行为准则(Code of Conduct)。我们编纂了 贡献者公约(Contributor Covenant),希望所有社区成员共同遵守。

Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow is a popular forum to ask code-level questions or if you’re stuck with a specific error. Read through the existing questions tagged with reactjs or ask your own!


For the latest news about React, follow @reactjs on Twitter and the official React blog on this website.